Family Florian and Brigitte Unterthiner
Campodazzo via del vigneto 8, I-39054 Campodazzo-Renon
3401521644 or 3396952992
Opening hours
Farmhouse Inn
Open from 13 of April until mid-May, only sundays and beginning of October to mid-December from thursday-saturday evening and saturday and sundays also for lunch
By car
Coming from the Bozen direction, turn left about 100 m after entering the village of Atzwang. Follow the road for about 2km and turn left after the little wooden bridge. Drive on for about 500m until you get to the farmhouse inn.
On foot
From the village square in Atzwang, take the old road heading south. Turn left at the wayside shrine and walk along the “Kirchsteig” road until you get to the Ebnerhof farmhouse inn (35 mins). Alternatively, take the old “Keschtnweg” chestnut trail at Ritten and follow the signposts to Nockhof in the direction of Atzwang (35 mins.).